Pelvic Rehabilitation
You may have been diagnosed with pudendal neuralgia, vulvodynia, incontinence, constipation, endometriosis, chronic prostatitis, piriformis symptom, or not have a diagnosis at all – we can help!
Pelvic dysfunction can come in a lot of different varieties and it can affect everyone, regardless of gender or age. It can present as pain in the abdomen and pelvis, which can refer to the hips, low back, buttock, and/or thighs and may often lead to problems with bowel, bladder, or sexual function.
What does Pelvic Health Physical Therapy Treatment entail?
We’ve put together this information to answer the most common questions we have about your first visit and what actually happens in pelvic health physical therapy treatment.
I have had pelvic pain for 11 years. I was originally diagnosed with interstitial cystitis, a bladder condition. After dealing with a very strict diet and constant pain for 11 years to control the bladder condition, I thought the pain and frequent urination was what my life was and would continue to be. I tried a new urologist and he said the bladder condition I originally had usually morphs into a different condition. He said that my condition had morphed into pelvic floor dysfunction. I started seeing the physical therapists at Body Harmony and they changed my life. I now live in a mostly pain free environment. When I do have pain, I have the tools to control the pain and work it out for myself. I started seeing them for pelvic floor dysfunction and pain with intercourse. I now have pain free intercourse with my husband whenever I want. It has been years since I have had that freedom in my life. During the time I was in physical therapy for pelvic floor dysfunction, I reinjured my lower back and Nazneen was kind enough to start treating that as well. She took the time to teach me the correct way to use abdominal muscles to stabilize my lower back. I have been doing it wrong for 13 years. She showed me how to take care of my own pressure points and just how to keep my back feeling pain free. I appreciate all the work and time they put into making me whole again!!!
MD, 34