Search Results for: sleep position

Why Tongue Position Matters…
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Why Tongue Position Matters…

Close your mouth and place your tongue on the roof of your mouth. Does it fit? Or do you have a hard time resting it comfortably?  Your tongue at rest should fit comfortably in the roof of your mouth. This ensures a nice seal in your mouth when you’re at rest and not actively using…

Better Sleep = Better Health
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Better Sleep = Better Health

Benefits of sleep Getting an adequate amount of sleep is very important for overall health. Benefits include: Sleep position can greatly impact the quality of sleep and exacerbate pain or other issues. Sleep and Migraines Migraines can cause poor sleeping patterns and vice versa. Making sure that your head and neck are in a good…

What to expect

What to expect during your Pelvic Health Rehabilitation visit? What is Pelvic Rehabilitation? Pelvic rehabilitation is a specialized therapy focused on addressing dysfunctions and discomfort in the pelvic region, encompassing all the muscles, ligaments, fascia and organs of the pelvic cavity and it’s surrounding structures. Through targeted exercises and manual techniques, pelvic rehabilitation aims to…

Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain The shoulder joint (the glenohumeral joint) is a ball and socket joint between the scapula (shoulder blade) and the humerus (upper arm bone). It is the most mobile joint in the body, and therefore most prone to overuse injuries. Shoulder injuries can result in joint pain, stiffness, instability, and weakness. The upper extremity…