Text Neck

Text Neck

If you have any experience with public transit in New York City, you have undoubtedly witnessed seas of strangers glued to screens, or hoards of cell phone zombies. Recent figures estimate smartphone ownership of adults 18-34 years at 92-95% in the USA and Australia. There is growing concern over mobile device usage amongst children and…

Sportsman Hernia

Sportsman Hernia

Groin injuries are very common amongst athletes, especially in sports that involve rapid movements: cutting and twisting such as football, soccer, hockey or rugby. The chief complaint is pain in the inguinal area during athletic activities and afterwards. The term sportsman hernia or pubalgia refers to pain in the inguinal area during athletic activities and…

Hard Flaccid Syndrome- Why is getting hard so hard?

Hard Flaccid Syndrome- Why is getting hard so hard?

According to the National Institutes of Health, chronic pelvic pain and chronic prostatitis may account for 2% to 16% of urological issues worldwide. It’s the most common urologic disease in men younger than 50 years old. What is Hard Flaccid Syndrome? Hard flaccid syndrome is a type of chronic pelvic pain syndrome which may occur…

Mindful Movement for Pelvic Pain

Mindful Movement for Pelvic Pain

Persistent pelvic pain can be an overwhelming experience. Pain, whatever the severity, can consume our thoughts and steal much of our cognitive energy, leaving us feeling exhausted and stressed. Pain can elicit not just physical responses, but mental and emotional responses- one of the most common being fear of movement. Often, we become fearful of…

A New Mama’s Guide to Healthy Postpartum Weight Loss & Exercise (Part 2)

A New Mama’s Guide to Healthy Postpartum Weight Loss & Exercise (Part 2)

Safe Postpartum Exercise New mothers are typically cleared to return to exercise during their 6-12 week postpartum check up and are advised to return gradually to exercise (ACOG 4). This is not a green light to jump back into your previous routine full steam ahead. Recovery from childbirth takes time, whether it was vaginal delivery…