A New Mama’s Guide to Healthy Postpartum Weight Loss & Exercise (Part 1)

A New Mama’s Guide to Healthy Postpartum Weight Loss & Exercise (Part 1)

Congratulations, You Had A Baby, Now What? If navigating the start of your postpartum journey feels overwhelming, you’re not alone. Weight loss and exercise after pregnancy can be complicated as the body has undergone many physical and physiological changes, which continue throughout the postpartum period. For instance, pregnancy hormones can affect connective tissue up to…

Rectocele: anatomical defect and functional disorder

Rectocele: anatomical defect and functional disorder

Rectocele is a type of prolapse that involves a bulging of the rectum into the posterior wall of the vagina. Patients with rectocele may present with a variety of symptoms. The often report defecatory problems, such as obstructed or incomplete defecation, needing to splint to evacuate the rectum or fecal incontinence. Many also report pain…

Decreasing Postpartum Aches and Pain Through Body Awareness

Decreasing Postpartum Aches and Pain Through Body Awareness

December can be a busy, stressful month for many with holiday plans, travel plans, and shopping. The to-do list, at times, seems to be endless. This is especially true for moms with infants and young children. In an effort to get through all of our tasks for the day, we may attempt to do things…