Can Yoga Really Help Symptoms of Endometriosis?

Can Yoga Really Help Symptoms of Endometriosis?

New Yorkers are renowned for their face pace lifestyle. There’s a reason why it’s nicknamed the city that never sleeps. Yoga can sound contradictory to that lifestyle so it’s no surprise that some people cringe when they hear the word ‘yoga’. What is Yoga? Many people see the word ‘yoga’ and assume many things. For…

#MarchIntoYellow Endometriosis Awareness

#MarchIntoYellow Endometriosis Awareness

March is National Endometriosis Awareness Month. It’s marked by wearing yellow, which is coincidentally the color of the flower of the month: the daffodil. Campaigns like the #yellowchallenge or #marchintoyellow help to increase awareness. Globally, endometriosis affects 176 million women. What is endometriosis? It’s a condition where uterine tissue develop out the uterus, generally within…

Plastics could be affecting your prostate health

Benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) is one of the most common benign pathologies of the prostate, affecting 30% of men. It involves an enlargement of the prostate that is caused by rapid growth of prostate cells. The etiology of BPH is unknown but it seems to be multifactorial with age, genetics, hormones, obesity, and lifestyle being…

Bladder Problems: Mapping toilet locations like a spy maps exits

Bladder Problems: Mapping toilet locations like a spy maps exits

Do you sometimes wonder if you have a smaller bladder than normal because you feel like you have to pee all of the time? Does being close to a bathroom factor into your decision making about what activities you are going to do?  Do you sometimes wonder if there is actually something wrong with your…

Why Physical Therapy is About More Than “Getting Better”

Why Physical Therapy is About More Than “Getting Better”

When a patient makes an appointment with a physical therapist (PT) to rehabilitate after a shoulder injury, for example, it’s because he wants to get better, right? Well, yes, but what exactly does that mean? As it turns out, “getting better” means different things to different patients. To some, proper recovery from a shoulder injury…