How Does Visceral Mobilization Help My Pelvic Pain?

How Does Visceral Mobilization Help My Pelvic Pain?

Visceral mobilization is a gentle manual technique that helps to improve the mobility and motility of organs within the body. Each organ is connected to each other and, therefore, can be mobilized by one another. For an organ to be healthy and function normally, it needs to be able to move freely and easily within…

The Psychosocial Factors of Male Pelvic Pain

The Psychosocial Factors of Male Pelvic Pain

Male pelvic pain is a complex and multifactorial condition that poses a challenge for healthcare professionals to fully comprehend when approached by one sector within healthcare. One crucial aspect that can impact the experience of pelvic pain is the psychosocial factor. What are internal factors associated with male pelvic pain? Several internal factors can affect…

May is Pelvic Pain Awareness Month

May is Pelvic Pain Awareness Month

May is Pelvic Pain awareness month. This month we will publish various blogs and create social media posts to improve awareness to pelvic pain conditions and options to help. What is pelvic pain? Pelvic pain covers a multitude of diagnoses from muscle disorders to nerve disorders and/or organ disorders. Pelvic pain is any pain in the pelvic…

PT For Your Pelvis?

PT For Your Pelvis?

Nobody is going to be surprised to hear that Physical Therapists work with muscles. But we bet a lot of people would be surprised to learn that the muscles inside your pelvis are included. While the pelvic muscles don’t get as much attention as the biceps or hamstrings, they can still cause problems that need…