CBD Use in Physical Therapy

CBD oil is hitting the marketplace in all sorts of formats. It has been added to creams, oils, coffee, alcohol, chocolate, water. There is a greater interest in approaching symptoms in a holistic fashion. It seems to have the solution for managing many chronic conditions.
What is CBD?
CBD is Cannabidiol. It’s found in cannabis and hemp plants. CBD derived from hemp plants is non psychotoxic. It doesn’t result in feeling euphoric. Hemp plants contain less than 0.3 % THC, which is the psychoactive drug found in cannabis that gives you the ‘high’. Federal regulations ensure consumer products meet these standards.
How does CBD work?
CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system ECS found in everyone. It helps to maintain a balance within the body including temperature, mood, appetite, sleep, blood pressure and energy levels.
Research has shown that CBD has positively affected people with chronic pain, muscle spasms, inflammatory conditions including arthritis and intestinal inflammation, cardiovascular disease, and osteoporosis. It has helped nausea symptoms improving appetite. Cannabidiol can be used to help with anxiety and depression.
How is CBD used in Physical Therapy?
CBD can be a safe adjunct for manual therapy treatment. It may give your physical therapy session an extra boost and help you achieve your goals more effectively. But CBD shouldn’t just be thrown into the mix for everyone. It’s something to discuss with your doctor and physical therapist.
CBD is more widely accepted and available as a therapeutic application. Positive benefits have been seen with its usage. Keep in mind that it’s still a new tool and dosing is individualized. Dosing can take a few sessions to figure out for this reason.
Body Harmony Physical Therapy has CBD creams available to try out in treatment sessions. Talk to your physical therapist about including this enhancement during treatment.

Written by: Keely Faridi, PT