How Does Visceral Mobilization Help My Pelvic Pain?

Visceral mobilization is a gentle manual technique that helps to improve the mobility and motility of organs within the body. Each organ is connected to each other and, therefore, can be mobilized by one another. For an organ to be healthy and function normally, it needs to be able to move freely and easily within its space. When an organ’s movement is restricted, it can result in dysfunction of that organ. The urogenital tissues have increased stress due to effects from lumbosacral dysfunction, intestinal issues, restrictions in the legs, and emotional holding patterns. Pregnancy, childbirth, and menstruation can also affect and cause increase in the urogenital tissues.
Restrictions in movement of urogenital tissues can be due to:
- Infections
- Surgical scars, adhesions
- Ligament laxity, prolapse
- Episiotomies
- Multiple difficult deliveries
- Weakness in pelvic floor muscles
- Weakness in sphincter tone
- Coccyx injuries
The Pelvic Organs and Their Connections
Everything is connected! The liver, intestines, and the left kidney are closely related to the urogenital system. The liver has an important role in hormone regulation and is responsible for the breakdown of sex hormones to be excreted from the body. Also, if the liver is not functioning properly, this can lead to pelvic congestion.
If the intestines are not functioning properly due to scar adhesions or constipation for example, the resulting increase in pressure can cause increased pressure on pelvic organs and cause prolapse. Constipation can also displace the uterus and cause retroversion as the bladder fills.
The left kidney connects to the bladder via the ureter and is closely related to the urogenital system via venous drainage. Congestion at this area will lead to pelvic congestion, especially at the left ovary.
We Can Help!
Not sure if visceral mobilization is for you? We offer a free callback option for potential clients and can answer your questions and concerns about visceral mobilization and related pelvic conditions. Call us at 212-233-9494.
Body Harmony Physical Therapy is conveniently located in lower Manhattan near the Brooklyn Bridge. We offer one-hour, one-to-one sessions in private treatment rooms.
Our practice has 4 skilled physical therapists who focus on finding and treating the cause to alleviate symptoms through a variety of techniques such as:
- patient education
- pelvic floor assessment and treatment
- manual techniques
- pelvic floor stretching and strengthening
- Bazin, Olivier, Marc Naudin, and Jean-Pierre Barral. Visceral Manipulation for Female Pelvic Disorders. 2020.