Is the Pain Coming From the Hip or the Pelvic Floor?

Pain can be difficult to isolate. What starts out as a pinch or a stab of pain can become a vague dull ache. Pain can also refer to other places which increases the challenge of determining the root cause. How is the hip and pelvic floor connected? How does hip pain impact and cause dysfunction of the pelvic floor?
What is hip impingement?
Hip impingement, also known as femoroacetabular impingement (FAI), is a condition where there is abnormal contact between the bones of the hip joint. This can lead to pain, stiffness, and limited range of motion in the hip joint, affecting daily activities and quality of life. While hip impingement is primarily a musculoskeletal issue, its impact can extend beyond the hip joint, affecting surrounding structures such as the pelvic floor muscles.
The Hips Effect on the Pelvic Floor
As a result, this can lead to issues with:
- bladder continence
- bowel continence
- sexual function
Additionally, due to the pain, the hip can lose range of motion and compensatory patterns of movement can occur. This leads to its own set of problems with increased tension and altered biomechanics in the pelvic floor muscles. This can manifest as pelvic pain, urinary urgency or frequency, and bowel dysfunction.
How does Pelvic Health Address Both the Hip and Pelvic Floor?
Pelvic floor physical therapy offers a comprehensive approach to addressing both hip impingement and pelvic floor dysfunction.
Treatment often includes but is not limited to:
- manual therapy techniques
- therapeutic exercises
- biofeedback
- bladder and bowel re-training
- neuromuscular re-training
- posture
- balance
- co-ordination
- home exercise program
Pelvic health physical therapists can help restore hip mobility, reduce muscle tension, alleviate pain and improve hip and pelvic health. Our profession emphasizes education and self-management strategies to empower individuals in managing their symptoms and preventing future issues. By addressing the interconnectedness between hip impingement and pelvic floor dysfunction, pelvic health physical therapy offers hope for improved quality of life and restored function.