National Women’s Health Week: Simple Ways to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

As women, we all want to stay healthy and prevent illness. In honor of National Women’s Health Week, we’ve put together a list of five simple guidelines to help you promote your own health and well-being.

Get a Well-Women Check-Up

Preventative screenings for breast cancer, cervical cancer, and colon cancer can save lives when caught early. Don’t skip your annual Well-Women check-up with your primary care physician or gynecologist.

Move Your Body

Physical activity is beneficial for all aspects of a woman’s health, including heart health, bone health, and digestive health. Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise a day, even if it’s just walking outside. Consider joining a gym, taking a dance class, or finding a workout buddy for accountability.

Pay Attention to Your Diet

Certain foods can irritate your bladder and bowels, causing discomfort and pain. If you experience bladder symptoms such as urinary incontinence, urgency, or increased frequency, consider speaking to a dietician or nutritionist to make dietary changes that may help alleviate your symptoms.

Practice Self-Care for Mental Health

Managing stress is important for mental health, which is increasingly important for women of all ages. Mindfulness, breathing techniques, and consulting a mental health therapist are all great ways to alleviate feelings of anxiety and depression.

Address Any Symptoms

Ignoring symptoms can lead to worsening of conditions. If you have aches, pains, or any other symptoms, consult your primary care provider or physical therapist as soon as possible. Pelvic floor physical therapists can also treat pelvic pain, bladder and bowel dysfunction, and sexual pain and dysfunction.

By following these guidelines, you can take control of your own health and well-being. Remember that small steps can lead to big changes and prioritize your health every day.



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