Stretches to Ease Muscle Aches When Breastfeeding

Beyond providing nutrition to your baby, breastfeeding is a unique experience that improves bonding between mom and baby. Breastfeeding can take a toll on the body and a stress to muscles. This is due to the positions that mothers often find themselves in. Hunched forwards with rounded shoulders and carrying the weight of the baby for extended periods of time.
These stretches can help to counter the strain and fatigue associated with many breastfeeding positions. It’s important to take care of yourself so you can better take care of your baby.
Foam roller
Foam rollers have been shown to effectively reduce muscle tension and trigger points within muscle. They are used as part of a self care management program. The amount of force or tension can be controlled. Foam rollers are considered an affordable option and are light and easy to use.
Upper chest and back opener. Lay on top of the foam roller with it going vertically down your back. Bend both knees up and place feet flat on the floor. Allow the arms to open outwards with hands resting on the floor, palms up.
Open Book Stretch
Lay on your side in a fetal position with both arms straight out in front. Lift the top arm towards the ceiling and allow it to fall outwards to the opposite wall. Let your eyes follow the opening arm rotating the spine. It is normal to feel a stretch in the front of the shoulder and chest. Hold 10 seconds. Return to starting position and repeat 5-10 times. Repeat for the opposite side.
Neck stretches
Neck stretches are simple and can be done anywhere. Muscles of the neck are better stretched when the upper body and trunk have good posture. Use a mirror to help you get into a better position. Shoulders should be down and back, with shoulder blades resting against rib cage. Arms should be resting at the side. Avoid the forward rounded shoulders with the tips of the shoulders facing downwards and inwards. This is a common posture found in those that use cell phones.
With chin tucked, tilt the head forwards allowing each segment of the neck to drop slowly one at a time until a stretch is felt along the back of the neck. Breath. Hold. Repeat with a side bending stretch and a rotation with forward bend stretch as shown.
Child’s Pose
Try the traditional Child’s pose with these variations.
Forward bend with shoulder opener
Stand with feet hip width apart. Interlace the fingers behind the back with arms straight. Allow the back to bend forwards lifting the arms towards the ceiling. Hold 4-5 breaths. Lower and repeat 3 times.
Come to a tabletop position. Hands are under the shoulders. Knees are hip distance apart. Inhale and drop belly. Lift head upwards with eyes leading the movement. Exhale and look down allowing back to become rounded and tucking tailbone in. Repeat each 5 times.

Need more help?
Reach out to us. We offer a free ten minute phone consultation with a physical therapist. We also offer one hour treatment sessions working one to one with a physical therapist. Our clinic is located conveniently downtown in Manhattan near the Brooklyn Bridge and close to many subway stations.