Insurance Coverage

Insurance Coverage

TRICARE has decided to waive the cost-sharing requirement of up to three visits to a physical therapist for low back pain. They’ve said that the goal is to encourage more use of “high-value” treatments for low back pain. Understanding what they mean by “high-value” vs “low-value” treatment can help us see the direction healthcare payers…

TRICARE Thinks PT is so Valuable, They’re Covering the Whole Cost!

TRICARE Thinks PT is so Valuable, They’re Covering the Whole Cost!

TRICARE, one of the nation’s largest insurers wants their members to get physical therapy for back pain. They think that treating back pain with PT is so important that they’re willing to waive the cost to their members. That’s a huge deal. When’s the last time you remember an insurance company covering the entire cost…

Stuck To Your Chair?

Stuck To Your Chair?

Feeling stuck to your desk working on the computer and doing Zoom meetings? Sitting for prolonged periods can be very harmful to your body, particularly your muscles. Individuals can have increased low back and buttock discomfort with prolonged sitting. People have also complained of increased lower limb discomfort and swelling. According to a study by…