What is Telehealth Physical Therapy (PT)?

What is Telehealth Physical Therapy (PT)?

Simply put, telehealth PT refers to physical therapy services that are provided remotely through a technology platform rather than in person. You can recognize it by different names as well: virtual PT, telerehab, telemedicine, etc.  While telehealth services are not new, they have rapidly expanded and evolved over the past few months in response to…

Sportsman Hernia

Sportsman Hernia

Groin injuries are very common amongst athletes, especially in sports that involve rapid movements: cutting and twisting such as football, soccer, hockey or rugby. The chief complaint is pain in the inguinal area during athletic activities and afterwards. The term sportsman hernia or pubalgia refers to pain in the inguinal area during athletic activities and…

Mindful Movement for Pelvic Pain

Mindful Movement for Pelvic Pain

Persistent pelvic pain can be an overwhelming experience. Pain, whatever the severity, can consume our thoughts and steal much of our cognitive energy, leaving us feeling exhausted and stressed. Pain can elicit not just physical responses, but mental and emotional responses- one of the most common being fear of movement. Often, we become fearful of…