Painful Sex

Painful Sex

Dyspareunia, or pain with intercourse, is experienced by 75% of women according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. It is a common problem among post-menopausal women and can affect 10-28% of the population in a lifetime. Symptoms Women may report a burning and/or throbbing pain with penetration before, during, and/or after intercourse. Women…



The term Kegel was coined in the late 1940’s by American gynecologist, Dr. Arnold Kegel. Kegeling or tightening of the pelvic muscles, refers to a nonspecific pelvic floor contraction. Kegels can be an excellent tool for strengthening. As Dr. Kegel noted, when he developed an alternative nonsurgical treatment to help prevent women from leaking urine. …

Belly Bloating

Belly Bloating

Since the beginning of the pandemic and being in quarantine, many people have been suffering from “pandemic stomach” and antacids are flying off the shelves. The holidays can also lead to many people feeling bloated and uncomfortable from overeating. Bloating is accompanied with pain, gas, burping, and abdominal gurgling. Abdominal bloating can be due to…

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction in Athletes

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction in Athletes

The impact of pelvic floor dysfunction has become much more apparent in the women’s health world. This is something that most pelvic floor therapists have been waiting for, but there are many populations that are rarely discussed – including pelvic pain within athletes. Athletes are a group particularly susceptible to pelvic floor pain and injuries….