#MarchIntoYellow Endometriosis Awareness

#MarchIntoYellow Endometriosis Awareness

March is National Endometriosis Awareness Month. It’s marked by wearing yellow, which is coincidentally the color of the flower of the month: the daffodil. Campaigns like the #yellowchallenge or #marchintoyellow help to increase awareness. Globally, endometriosis affects 176 million women. What is endometriosis? It’s a condition where uterine tissue develop out the uterus, generally within…

Bladder Problems: Mapping toilet locations like a spy maps exits

Bladder Problems: Mapping toilet locations like a spy maps exits

Do you sometimes wonder if you have a smaller bladder than normal because you feel like you have to pee all of the time? Does being close to a bathroom factor into your decision making about what activities you are going to do?  Do you sometimes wonder if there is actually something wrong with your…