Mechanics of Deep Breathing

Mechanics of Deep Breathing

Deep breathing exercises build core connection and body awareness. It also helps improve mobility of the core through mechanical pressure changes and elastic potential of soft tissue structures like organs, fascia, and muscles.  Diaphragmatic breathing, sometimes called belly or deep breathing, involves actively pulling the diaphragm muscle downward with each inhalation, allowing the lungs to…

Belly Bloating

Belly Bloating

Since the beginning of the pandemic and being in quarantine, many people have been suffering from “pandemic stomach” and antacids are flying off the shelves. The holidays can also lead to many people feeling bloated and uncomfortable from overeating. Bloating is accompanied with pain, gas, burping, and abdominal gurgling. Abdominal bloating can be due to…



2020 has been really stressful for many of us in more ways than one. The holiday season is here, which, for many people, can cause more stress. There are 3 types of stress Effects of stress on the body Types of Meditation There are different types of meditations that one could try in an effort…

Six Tips for Stress Reduction: Exercising Your Vagus Nerve to Heal Pelvic Pain

Six Tips for Stress Reduction: Exercising Your Vagus Nerve to Heal Pelvic Pain

Stress plays a substantial role in physical health and overall well-being. Understanding the body and how daily habits influence the way it works can be a helpful tool in gaining control over pain and improving quality of life.  Our autonomic nervous system– the system responsible for regulating and maintaining the functional processes of the body…