Stretches to Ease Muscle Aches When Breastfeeding

Stretches to Ease Muscle Aches When Breastfeeding

Beyond providing nutrition to your baby, breastfeeding is a unique experience that improves bonding between mom and baby. Breastfeeding can take a toll on the body and a stress to muscles. This is due to the positions that mothers often find themselves in. Hunched forwards with rounded shoulders and carrying the weight of the baby…

Exercise and Gender

Exercise and Gender

Exercise has been shown as one of the most proactive things to do to improve and maintain good health. It has been shown to help prevent many chronic conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity. New research out shows that its benefits may be greater for women than men. A study (referenced below) used data…

Relief Through Movement

Relief Through Movement

Physical Therapy for Chronic Pain Chronic pain can be a debilitating condition, limiting your mobility and impacting your daily life. The CDC estimates that around 50 million Americans experience chronic pain, and 17 million have substantial reductions in activity because of pain. Beyond limiting activity or your ability to work, chronic pain has been linked…