Why Tongue Position Matters…

Close your mouth and place your tongue on the roof of your mouth. Does it fit? Or do you have a hard time resting it comfortably?
Your tongue at rest should fit comfortably in the roof of your mouth. This ensures a nice seal in your mouth when you’re at rest and not actively using your mouth.
Why is a good seal important?
This seal ensures that you use your nose to breathe at rest and during sleep. When you breathe through your nose, you are better able to warm, humidify and filter the outside air. This process then ensures that your body releases nitric oxide into the body. Nitric oxide works to open up your blood vessels, and makes it easier for blood to get from one place to another. This entire process helps decrease your likelihood of having high blood pressure, heart disease, anxiety and even Alzheimer’s.
What if I have a hard time resting my tongue, or feel that I am a mouth breather?
There are many reasons that this can occur:
- Your palate isn’t wide enough. Your dentist can help you discover if this may be the case.
- Stress. Being in a state of chronic stress may make you more prone to mouth breathing, so being more mindful of your breath and tongue position can help.
- Posture. One of the main causes of mouth breathing is your neck posture. If your head is constantly pitched forward, the positioning of your jaw will change over time, making it harder to keep a mouth seal. If you find this may be the case, visiting a physical therapist may be of long-term benefit for you.
We Can Help?
Body Harmony Physical Therapy offers one on one physical therapy, both for pelvic floor and orthopedic concerns. Our treatments are for up to one hour in a private treatment room. We offer a quick call back option for potential patients who have questions or concerns related to physical therapy.