Performing Arts & Physical Therapy

Performing Arts & Physical Therapy

Did you know that there are certifications for physical therapists that are dedicated specifically to treat those who are part of the performing arts community? Most people think that performers have the “perfect” bodies. While this may be true in some cases (especially aesthetically), any athlete and performer will always have something to work on….



The term Kegel was coined in the late 1940’s by American gynecologist, Dr. Arnold Kegel. Kegeling or tightening of the pelvic muscles, refers to a nonspecific pelvic floor contraction. Kegels can be an excellent tool for strengthening. As Dr. Kegel noted, when he developed an alternative nonsurgical treatment to help prevent women from leaking urine. …

When the Weather Gets Cold, Don’t Forget to Warm Up!

When the Weather Gets Cold, Don’t Forget to Warm Up!

Colder weather means some changes to how we exercise. Of course it’s harder to motivate yourself to get outside for a run or bike ride when the temperature drops, and the shorter days compress our schedules, but there are changes in your body that affect your ability to exercise too. For many people with arthritis…