Coping With Pelvic Pain

Coping With Pelvic Pain

Although pelvic pain affects about 16% of the population, and possibly more since it is under-reported, men and women who suffer from this condition often feel alone and isolated. Common feelings associated with pelvic pain include depression, anxiety, hopelessness, a sense of shame, a sense of feeling like damaged goods, suicidal thoughts, and frustration with…

A Six Pack Split (Abdominal Separation)

A Six Pack Split (Abdominal Separation)

This months blog is about splitting your ‘six pack’ and I don’t mean the beverages. We’re talking about separation of the abdominal muscle, the rectus abdominis, termed diastasis recti or recti diastasis. The easiest way to describe it is if your abdominal ‘six pack’ muscle divorced itself with the left and right side separating to…

Endometriosis: the 411

Endometriosis: the 411

Endometriosis is a chronic inflammatory gynecological condition characterized by the growth of endometrial glands and stroma (supportive framework of cells) outside the uterine cavity. The most common symptoms are severe dysmenorrhea (painful periods), dyspareunia (pain with sex), pelvic pain, and infertility. The development of the disease is still unknown. Sampson’s theory of retrograde menstruation is…