The No. 1 Thing You Can Do to Improve Your Physical Therapy Experience

The No. 1 Thing You Can Do to Improve Your Physical Therapy Experience

Dealing with the pain and limited mobility associated with an injury or illness can be stressful for so many reasons. You might have questions like, “How long will I be sidelined?” and “What do I need to do to get better?” Or maybe you’re worried about how you’ll pick your children up from school, walk…

All about Kinesiotape

All about Kinesiotape

Athletic tape is a widely used tool during physical therapy and exercise for decades. If you’ve had this applied to yourself, you’ve probably been questioned by friends and family about it’s purpose and benefits. Kinesiology tape (k-tape) is one type of athletic tape that differs from others in that it is elastic, gentle on the…

Using Nutrition to Combat Chronic Pelvic Pain

Using Nutrition to Combat Chronic Pelvic Pain

It’s become widely accepted that our diet plays a significant role in how our body functions. In recent decades science has allowed us to better understand how nutrition can decrease pain. What is CPP? Chronic pelvic pain (CPP) is complex syndrome, generally requiring involvement from different specialists because of its multiple causes. It can be…