Intestinal Habitats

Intestinal Habitats

In both healthy people and those with life-threatening infections, the gut microbiome appears to help regulate body temperature. There’s some interesting research out there about body temperature and how it’s tied to our gut bacteria. Turns out, our average body temperature has been dropping since the 1860s, and one reason might be our gut microbiome—the…

Exercise and Gender

Exercise and Gender

Exercise has been shown as one of the most proactive things to do to improve and maintain good health. It has been shown to help prevent many chronic conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity. New research out shows that its benefits may be greater for women than men. A study (referenced below) used data…

Should you add Kinesiotape into your treatment regime?

Should you add Kinesiotape into your treatment regime?

Kinesiotape is so much more than a sticky bandage. Research continues to show what physical therapists have been seeing clinically. Kinesiotape improves healing time. At Body Harmony Physical Therapy, we use kinesiotape as an adjunct to treatment, to help reduce pain and improve healing time for our patients for many conditions including myofascial pain syndrome,…

All About Foam Rolling

All About Foam Rolling

A Game-Changer for Post-Workout Recovery In the realm of fitness and exercise, the pursuit of optimal recovery is as vital as the workout itself. Recent research sheds light on a tool that’s been gaining momentum in the fitness community: foam rolling. This seemingly simple practice of self-massage with a foam roller has been shown to…