Tips For Improving Cardiovascular Health

Tips For Improving Cardiovascular Health

According to the Centers for Disease Control, for every 40 seconds, there is someone who suffers a heart attack.  Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is the most common type of heart disease. In CAD, the coronary arteries are narrowed or blocked from plaques which are formed with increased amount of fatty material and cholesterol. Plaque can…

Tips for Anxiety

Tips for Anxiety

Stress effects us all. In some shape or form. Anxiety is an individuals reaction to stress in the form of persistent feelings of apprehension or worry. The feeling of being anxious can persist after the initial stress has passed. The Stress System The body is built to manage stress. This system (autonomic nervous system) is…

Men’s Health: Ejaculation Delay

Men’s Health: Ejaculation Delay

What is Ejaculation Delay? Ejaculation delay is a condition characterized by a significant delay in or the inability to achieve ejaculation. Men experiencing delayed ejaculation may encounter challenges in achieving both ejaculation and orgasm, whether during self-masturbation or various forms of sexual stimulation by a partner. This condition may be temporary or a lifelong issue,…

January is Cervical Awareness Month

January is Cervical Awareness Month

At Body Harmony Physical Therapy, we specialize in pelvic health and orthopedic conditions. This month we are highlighting Cervical Cancer. Later this month we will publish blogs related to premature ejaculation in men and tips for male pelvic health. Cervical cancer remains a significant health concern, with around 14,000 new cases diagnosed annually in the…

Can Food Really Help With Stress Reduction?

Can Food Really Help With Stress Reduction?

The answer is absolutely. Food can help your body fight off stress and the inflammatory response it causes in your body. At Body Harmony Physical Therapy, we understand the intricate relationship between inflammation and stress. In this blog post, we’ll delve into how anti-inflammatories play a pivotal role in stress reduction and their significance in…