Different Types of Gender Affirming Surgeries

What is gender affirmation?
Gender affirmation refers to an interpersonal, interactive process whereby a person receives social recognition and support for their gender identity and expression. Gender affirming surgeries have become more prevalent in order for a transgender or gender diverse individual to have their physical body align with their gender identity. For most, these surgeries are needed for their overall well-being. There are different types of surgical options that will be discussed as well as reasons as to why physical therapy can play a role in a patient’s care post-surgery.
What are some types of surgical options?
Female to Male
- Chest reconstruction
- Hysterectomy with or without oophorectomy: removal or the uterus with or without removal of the ovaries
- Metoidioplasty: utilization of existing genital tissue in order to create a new penis by using a hormonally enlarged clitoris
- Phalloplasty: surgical creation of a penis
- Difference between metoidioplasty vs phalloplasty: patients are more likely to have penetrative sex with their partner with a phalloplasty due to the penile structure being much larger than in a metoidioplasty
Male to Female
- Breast augmentation: surgery to increase breast size
- Vaginoplasty: plastic surgery performed to create or repair a vagina.
How can PT be beneficial?
No matter what surgery is chosen, or even if no surgery is chosen at all physical therapy can play a vital part of recovery. A physical therapist can implement a plan that can not only help an individual heal faster, but they can also do the following:
- Improve flexibility
- Improve range of motion in any area that is lacking mobility
- Manage pain levels post-surgery without always relying on medication
- Minimize scar tissue development
Pre-hab is also an important concept to consider. Pre-rehabilitation is when one sees a physical therapist BEFORE their surgery in order to prevent any further injury. Therapy before surgery can include realignment of muscle tissue, decreasing any spasms or trigger points and increasing mobility in joints.
- (Bockting, Knudson, & Goldberg, 2006; Melendez & Pinto, 2007; Nuttbrock, Bockting, et al., 2009)