Why does my ankle hurt?

Ankle and Foot Series Part I

If you’re one of those people that just injured their ankle, keeps injuring their ankle, or has had on and off ankle pain for a while, this blog series is for you. And for those of you who participate in sports, train on your own or would just like to know a little more about the ankle, keep reading.

Our ankles and feet are one of the most important joints of the body, because they transmit all of our load to the ground, play a role in our balance system, navigate and adjust according to the soft/hard surface we are on and that makes them prone to injuries.

What causes ankle pain?

Ankle pain can arise from direct injuries to the ankles/feet in case of:

  • Ankle sprains/strains
  • Ligament tears (partial/complete)
  • Fracture/Hairline fractures
  • Tendon tears

Ankle pain can also arise from repetitive trauma in case of:

  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Ligament laxity
  • Tendinitis
  • Chronic ankle instability/Recurrent ankle sprains

What does posture have to do with it?

Since your ankle and feet play an important role in force transmission, they are prone to posture related injuries arising from incorrect postures in:

  • knees 
  • hips 
  • pelvis 
  • spine. 

These incorrect postures can result in incorrect ankle and foot postural deviations and deformities, but these deviations can also occur independently.

They are:

  • Hallux valgus / bunions
  • Flat foot (pes planus)
  • High arch (pes cavus)
  • Hammer toes
  • Claw toe
  • Mallet toe

We Can Help!

We offer a quick call back option for potential patients who have questions or concerns related to physical therapy.

Body Harmony Physical Therapy offers one physical therapist to one patient evaluation and treatment sessions. Our treatments are for up to one hour in a private treatment room (not a booth). We provide individualized home programs to every patient based on their individual goals and presentation.

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