
What are dilators?

A dilator is a medical device that can have a number of uses including: a surgical instrument or medical implement used to induce dilation, that is, to expand an opening or passage such as the cervix, urethra, esophagus or vaginal introituses. Regarding pelvic floor physical therapy, dilators are usually used / designed to restore and expand the vaginal tissues and musculature of the vaginal opening. Dilators and wands can also be used for the anal canal as well. They are tube shaped devices to restore function and they tend to be an integral part of pelvic floor therapy sessions in order to promote independence within our patients. They come in different sizes because each person is different and unique (and should always be treated as so!).


What types of pelvic floor diagnoses can dilators be used for? The following list is not inclusive of ALL diagnoses dilators can be used for:

  • Painful intercourse
  • Vaginismus
  • Vaginal stenosis
  • Vulvodynia
  • Vestibulodynia
  • Menopause
  • Pelvic pain (all types)
  • Gender affirmation
  • Lichens sclerosis
  • Painful bladder syndrome
  • Interstitial cystitis
  • Perineal tears, episiotomies
  • Many more!

How do dilators help?

If used correctly, dilators can play a huge role in getting your pelvic floor muscles to contract, lengthen and relax in the correct and functional way. They release tension within the pelvic floor by targeting trigger points and any areas that may be holding a great deal of stress and tension. Pelvic floor physical therapist will teach their patients how to use dilators in conjunction of many other elements during their sessions – including manual therapy, exercises to be performed at home and many techniques catered to your needs and treatments.

Should everyone who has pelvic pain use a dilator? This depends on the person. Sometimes, one may not be comfortable with using a dilator on their own and if that is the case, there are many other ways to decrease tension within the pelvic floor. As much as dilators are great to use and a great tool to implement into treatment, it is not always necessary / needed.

Where can I buy one?

Here are some companies to look into if you are interested in purchasing a dilator:

  • Soul Source
  • Intimate Rose
  • Medical Expo
  • CMT Medical
  • Vuvatech: VuVa

DISCLAIMER: if you have the above symptoms / diagnoses, it is important to consult with your medical provider or speak to a pelvic floor physical therapist before using a dilator.

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