Men’s Health: Ejaculation Delay

What is Ejaculation Delay?

Ejaculation delay is a condition characterized by a significant delay in or the inability to achieve ejaculation. Men experiencing delayed ejaculation may encounter challenges in achieving both ejaculation and orgasm, whether during self-masturbation or various forms of sexual stimulation by a partner. This condition may be temporary or a lifelong issue, and its causes can range from chronic health conditions and surgeries to medications. The need for extended sexual stimulation, sometimes exceeding 30 minutes, is a common characteristic. It becomes a concern when the delay causes distress, frustration, or if sexual activity has to be stopped due to fatigue, physical issues, or a partner’s request.

Delayed ejaculation is further categorized into lifelong versus acquired and generalized versus situational types. Lifelong delayed ejaculation is present from sexual maturity, while acquired delayed ejaculation develops after a period of normal sexual functioning. Generalized delayed ejaculation is not limited to specific partners or types of stimulation, whereas situational delayed ejaculation occurs under certain circumstances.


The causes of delayed ejaculation are diverse, encompassing both psychological and physical factors:

Psychological factors:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Relationship problems 
  • Performance anxiety
  • Poor body image
  • Cultural or religious taboos 

Physical factors:

  • Birth defects
  • Pelvic nerve injuries due to spinal cord injury or diabetic neuropathy
  • Infections, such as urinary tract infection
  • Hormonal conditions contributing to low thyroid levels or low testosterone levels


  • Some antidepressants
  • Certain high blood pressure medications
  • Certain diuretics
  • Some antipsychotic medications
  • Some anti-seizure medications
  • Excessive alcohol use or alcoholism

Risk Factors

Risk factors for delayed ejaculation include older age, psychological conditions, medical conditions like diabetes, certain medical treatments, medications, relationship problems, and excessive alcohol use. Complications may arise, affecting sexual pleasure, causing stress or anxiety, leading to relationship problems, and potentially impacting fertility.

It’s OK to ask for Help

Understanding the underlying causes and types of delayed ejaculation is crucial for effective diagnosis and tailored treatment plans. Seeking medical advice is essential for individuals experiencing persistent difficulties with ejaculation to address both the physical and psychological aspects of this condition.



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