Signs of Heart Attack in Men v. Women

While many of us are familiar with the classic symptoms such as chest pain and shortness of breath, it’s vital to recognize that heart attacks can manifest differently between genders. For heart health month we have put together a table on the signs of heart attack in men and women.

Gender Differences

Men typically experience the classic signs like chest pain, tightness, or pressure, often radiating to the left arm. However, women may have more subtle symptoms, such as shortness of breath, nausea, or jaw pain, which are easily overlooked or attributed to other causes. Additionally, women are more likely to experience atypical symptoms like back or stomach pain, fatigue, or lightheadedness. These differences stem from variations in how heart disease develops and progresses between genders.

Understanding these distinctions are crucial for timely diagnosis and intervention, as women are sometimes misdiagnosed or face delays in treatment due to the atypical presentation of their symptoms.

Whether you’re biologically a man or a woman, knowing the signs could save a life—perhaps even your own.

Chest Pain/DiscomfortOften described as a squeezing or heavinessMay feel like pressure or tightness
Pain in Other AreasPain may radiate to the left arm or jaw
Pain may radiate to the neck, jaw, or back
Shortness of BreathMay experience before or during chest painMay occur with or without chest discomfort
Nausea/VomitingCommonly reportedCommonly reported
Back or Jaw PainMay experience pain in the back or jawPain may be felt in the back, jaw, or neck
FatigueMay feel tired but not always presentUnusual fatigue, weakness, or extreme tiredness
Dizziness/WeaknessLess commonMay occur along with other symptoms
Cold SweatsLess commonMore likely to experience cold sweats

We’re Here to Help

Our physical therapists are able to help you by developing comprehensive treatment plans to improve your heart health. We offer personal training as well as yoga and Pilates based exercises to improve strength, endurance and overall wellness. Call 212-233-9494 to schedule an appointment or if you have any questions.

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