Diastasis Recti (Part 1)

Diastasis Recti (Part 1)

July was International Diastasis Recti Awareness Month. Diastasis recti abdominis is an extremely common condition for women who are pregnant or postpartum and may even be considered normal for some. A knowledgeable approach to managing this prevalent condition can alleviate fear and improve function.  What is Diastasis Recti?  Diastasis recti abdominis (DRA) refers to the…

A Six Pack Split (Abdominal Separation)

A Six Pack Split (Abdominal Separation)

This months blog is about splitting your ‘six pack’ and I don’t mean the beverages. We’re talking about separation of the abdominal muscle, the rectus abdominis, termed diastasis recti or recti diastasis. The easiest way to describe it is if your abdominal ‘six pack’ muscle divorced itself with the left and right side separating to…