Bun in the Oven: Infertility Awareness

Bun in the Oven: Infertility Awareness

June is Infertility Awareness month. It’s an interesting month to choose considering Father’s Day is also in June. About 10-15% of couples struggle with infertility issues. Infertility is the term used for couples having trouble conceiving after on year, less if you’re over 35. Eggs are fertile for up to 48 hour period and menstrual…

Can Yoga Really Help Symptoms of Endometriosis?

Can Yoga Really Help Symptoms of Endometriosis?

New Yorkers are renowned for their face pace lifestyle. There’s a reason why it’s nicknamed the city that never sleeps. Yoga can sound contradictory to that lifestyle so it’s no surprise that some people cringe when they hear the word ‘yoga’. What is Yoga? Many people see the word ‘yoga’ and assume many things. For…

#MarchIntoYellow Endometriosis Awareness

#MarchIntoYellow Endometriosis Awareness

March is National Endometriosis Awareness Month. It’s marked by wearing yellow, which is coincidentally the color of the flower of the month: the daffodil. Campaigns like the #yellowchallenge or #marchintoyellow help to increase awareness. Globally, endometriosis affects 176 million women. What is endometriosis? It’s a condition where uterine tissue develop out the uterus, generally within…