The Subtle Signs of Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer is a formidable opponent, often presenting subtle symptoms until it reaches an advanced stage. Often colon or colorectal cancer begins as a benign slow growing polyp. It can be many years later that this polyp has become malignant and causes enough visible symptoms that causes an individual to delve deeper to investigate.

Recognizing the signs and understanding the causes are crucial for early detection and effective treatment.

Common symptoms include:

  • persistent changes in bowel habits
    • such as diarrhea or constipation
    • narrow stools
    • passing excessive amounts of gas
  • blood in the stool
  • abdominal discomfort or pain
  • unexplained weight loss
  • fatigue

While these symptoms can stem from various conditions, they should prompt a visit to a healthcare professional for evaluation.

Several factors can increase the risk of colon cancer.

These include:

  • age
  • family history
  • a diet low in fiber and high in fat
  • sedentary lifestyle
  • obesity
  • smoking
  • excessive alcohol consumption.

However, it’s essential to note that colon cancer can develop in individuals without any known risk factors.

The Role of Pelvic Health Physical Therapy

Pelvic health physical therapy emerges as a valuable ally in the battle against colon cancer. This specialized form of physical therapy focuses on addressing pelvic floor dysfunction, which can occur due to surgeries, radiation therapy, or the cancer itself.

Treatment often includes but is not limited to:

  • manual therapy
    • soft tissue mobilization
    • mobilization of scar tissue
  • targeted exercises
  • education to improve
  • toileting techniques for improved
    • bowel emptying
    • pelvic floor function
    • alleviate pain
    • enhance bowel control and continence
  • neuromuscular re-education improving muscle coordination for efficient emptying of stool
  • strengthening of pelvic cavity

By promoting pelvic health, this therapy not only aids in recovery but also enhances overall quality of life for individuals navigating the challenges of colon cancer. Body Harmony Physical Therapy specializes in Pelvic Health Care. We treat in private treatment rooms for one hour.

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