Abdominal Bloating and Physical Therapy

During the holiday season, there may be plenty of opportunities to overindulge and eat many foods that we would normally stay away from. This can result in changes in bowel function, leading to abdominal pain and bloating. Abdominal pain and bloating commonly lead to constipation. 


There are two types of constipation: 

  1. Primary constipation involves in-coordination of the pelvic floor muscles during defecation and or slow transit of the large intestine.
  2. Secondary constipation is due to poor dietary habits, medication, emotional or behavioral concerns, or medical conditions.

How can Physical Therapy Help?

If these issues become more chronic, it can be helpful to go to a pelvic physical therapist to address these issues. The physical therapy evaluation can include assessment of the abdomen to check for any adhesions that might be interfering with proper bowel function. Visceral mobilization consists of gentle manual techniques. This can help to improve strains in the connective tissue of the viscera that can result from surgical scars, adhesions, illness, posture or injury, and, therefore, improve organ function. 

The internal rectal pelvic floor may also be evaluated. The pelvic floor muscles will be assessed for any tenderness, in-coordination, or weakness that may result in bowel dysfunction. Your physical therapist will educate you on proper toileting techniques and diet, and review different stretches and self care techniques for your home program to improve bowel emptying.

Bowel Massage

Sometimes a simple abdominal massage aimed at increasing mobility of the large intestine can help relieve discomfort in a pinch. Start with soft gentle strokes aiming at stimulating the large intestine nerves. Each phase is done ten times before moving onto the next. Bowel massage can also relieve gas discomfort.

Things to Do At Home

  • Increase fiber and water intake
  • Increase physical activity
  • Improve toileting posture with a stool under feet (Squatty Potty®) 



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