The non-diet approach to losing the baby weight

The non-diet approach to losing the baby weight

Tamsin Jordan, MS, RD Your body goes through an incredible change during pregnancy. Weight gain is an inevitable and important part of that process – ensuring your baby gets the nutrients it needs to grow and thrive.Many women feel pressure to quickly lose weight after birth. While this may be tempting, resisting this urge, at…

What is Telehealth Physical Therapy (PT)?

What is Telehealth Physical Therapy (PT)?

Simply put, telehealth PT refers to physical therapy services that are provided remotely through a technology platform rather than in person. You can recognize it by different names as well: virtual PT, telerehab, telemedicine, etc.  While telehealth services are not new, they have rapidly expanded and evolved over the past few months in response to…

Natural Anti-Inflammatories for Chronic Pain: A Safe Alternative to NSAIDS

Natural Anti-Inflammatories for Chronic Pain: A Safe Alternative to NSAIDS

It is never easy to be in pain, but with many of us stuck at home and limiting our time spent out in the community, it is difficult or impossible to attend regular physical therapy sessions to get the help we need to address our aches and mobility issues. Fortunately, there are some easy things…