Mechanics of Deep Breathing

Mechanics of Deep Breathing

Deep breathing exercises build core connection and body awareness. It also helps improve mobility of the core through mechanical pressure changes and elastic potential of soft tissue structures like organs, fascia, and muscles.  Diaphragmatic breathing, sometimes called belly or deep breathing, involves actively pulling the diaphragm muscle downward with each inhalation, allowing the lungs to…

Vaginal Weights

Vaginal Weights

Vaginal weights for training the pelvic floor muscles have been a common topic as of late – why is this? Since pelvic floor therapy is becoming more known, there are plenty of women and men that want to get ahead of the game with making sure their pelvic floor muscles are nice and strong.  Some…

Get Moving

Get Moving

Why is movement considered a form of medicine? There has been plenty of research regarding exercise and how physical activity can improve and decrease one’s risk of developing various conditions and diseases. Why is this the case? Moving in general helps to increase overall blood flow into our bodies. With an increase in blood flow,…

Postpartum Running

Postpartum Running

When is it safe to return to running after having a baby?  While there is not a perfect prescription for exercise that applies to every mother during this period, there are a few things to consider before jumping back into your prior level of pre-pregnancy exercise.  Wait at least 12 weeks  New mothers are typically…