The Subtle Signs of Colorectal Cancer

The Subtle Signs of Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer is a formidable opponent, often presenting subtle symptoms until it reaches an advanced stage. Often colon or colorectal cancer begins as a benign slow growing polyp. It can be many years later that this polyp has become malignant and causes enough visible symptoms that causes an individual to delve deeper to investigate. Recognizing…

Infertility Treatment Options

Infertility Treatment Options

April 24-April 30 is National Infertility Awareness Week! Long gone are the days where women were expected to get married and have countless children (in many cultures). Teenagers were often married off after their first menstrual cycle. Series like Bridgerton make light of how society once viewed these arrangements. Bridgerton also broached the subject of…

The Inter-connectivity of Mental Health and Physical Therapy

The Inter-connectivity of Mental Health and Physical Therapy

Phrases like “Relax your face”, “Drop your shoulder”, or “Take a breath” all come down to the same thing. Your body is carrying too much tension and it shows. The usual suspects include the jaw, shoulders/upper back, and pelvic floor. Thankfully (and unfortunately) no one has developed the ability to see through your clothes to…

Breastfeeding and Posture

Breastfeeding and Posture

Postural changes that occur during pregnancy can make new mothers more susceptible to experiencing back pain. To learn more about these changes, check out  last month’s blog on Pregnancy Related Back Pain & Posture.  Back pain can be further exacerbated by core weakness, loss of muscle strength, ligamentous laxity from hormonal changes, poor posture, and…