Unraveling the Mystery: UTI Symptoms, Negative Cultures, and the Power of Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

Unraveling the Mystery: UTI Symptoms, Negative Cultures, and the Power of Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

Getting a UTI on rare occasions is common, but what if that starts to occur more frequently and is accompanied by negative results in your urine culture? Is it still an infection if the urine culture comes back negative for bacterial growth? Are the frequently prescribed antibiotics helpful or harmful when the assumed bacterial infection…

Stress Urinary Incontinence and the Pressure System

Stress Urinary Incontinence and the Pressure System

Some may argue that the occasional leakage of drops of urine during moments of coughing, sneezing, laughing, jumping, or running is a natural consequence of childbirth or menopause. This common occurrence is known as stress urinary incontinence (SUI), where urine is involuntarily lost during activities that momentarily increase intra-abdominal pressure (IAP). While SUI affects a…

The Unending Indignities of ‘Vaginal Atrophy’

The Unending Indignities of ‘Vaginal Atrophy’

We wanted to share this great article from the NYTimes on menopause. At our practice we see many patients that are experiencing pelvic health issues related to menopause. We wanted to share this great article from the NYTimes on menopause. Reprinted from the NYTimes. By Rachel E. GrossPublished Aug. 22, 2023 The Unending Indignities of ‘Vaginal Atrophy’Besides…

Types of Pelvic Cancers

Types of Pelvic Cancers

Gynecologic cancers account for 12.5% of all new female cancer diagnoses, and include uterine cancer, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer and less commonly cancer of the vulva or vagina. These cancers can be accompanied by varying symptoms of pelvic pain, urinary dysfunction, bowel dysfunction and sexual dysfunction.  Medical management for these can include chemotherapy, radiation therapy,…