Natural Anti-Inflammatories for Chronic Pain: A Safe Alternative to NSAIDS

Natural Anti-Inflammatories for Chronic Pain: A Safe Alternative to NSAIDS

It is never easy to be in pain, but with many of us stuck at home and limiting our time spent out in the community, it is difficult or impossible to attend regular physical therapy sessions to get the help we need to address our aches and mobility issues. Fortunately, there are some easy things…

Text Neck

Text Neck

If you have any experience with public transit in New York City, you have undoubtedly witnessed seas of strangers glued to screens, or hoards of cell phone zombies. Recent figures estimate smartphone ownership of adults 18-34 years at 92-95% in the USA and Australia. There is growing concern over mobile device usage amongst children and…

Sportsman Hernia

Sportsman Hernia

Groin injuries are very common amongst athletes, especially in sports that involve rapid movements: cutting and twisting such as football, soccer, hockey or rugby. The chief complaint is pain in the inguinal area during athletic activities and afterwards. The term sportsman hernia or pubalgia refers to pain in the inguinal area during athletic activities and…